Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest

Recently a friend of mine had this to say about the summer blockbuster hopeful "Superman Returns,"

"...and who really cares?

Seriously, was anyone as unimpressed with this movie as I was? It was nearly 2 and 1/2 hours long, and after it was over, I was seriously trying to even remember what really happened. Pretty much nothing, except for a long-ass love-triangle story. As Ebert wrote, even the special effects seemed dreary, and tacked-on instead of incredible.
What was missing? Oh yeah - the fun. Where in the hell was the fun in this thing? My lanta, this thing was boring.
Chalk this one up to "The Hulk" - probably better on a second viewing, but one that won't come for quite some time.
Perhaps there IS something to a name after all, and this should have been titled "Superman Begins". It worked for Mr. Wayne, it should've worked for Mr. Kent."

Incidentally, Pirates... was also a bit of a disappointing sequel. It found it to be a roller coaster of a film that was in some ways more disorientating and confusing than entertaining. Moreover, it's length and abrupt ending glaringly highlight the fact that this is a story which will be concluded only with the next installment. Sadly, I could have watched the last ten minutes of the movie and would still have been amply prepared for the third film, and that would have freed up my evening to say... Oh... clean my toilet perhaps. In short a film that takes a long time to go nowhere.


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