Friday, September 08, 2006

Under Construction

Sorry for all of the changes to my blog over the last month. For some of you it may be simple interesting to visit for that very reason. However, apart from tweeking the font colors I think I'm done for the time being. That is, unless I somehow come into a great deal of money and I can buy Photoshop CS2. I could seriously nerd out with that software. In the mean time I'l settle for blogging. I just added a new section of links entitled "Music and Such" only two things on there but they are both very nice. Techronic Sound is worth checking out if your into eletronica. And the David Byrne site links to his radio file which I guess is just a collection of neat stuff to listen to. Check them out and let me know what you think. Also if you find interesting things you want me to check out send them by email and I'll post them here with credit to you for forwarding it on.

Photo credit: G-reg


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