Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Kids are Alright

Well, I'm back to the lowlands after a fantastic, if brief, visit to the bosom of central Minnesota. It was wonderful to see all my family and the journey made me more than a little homesick. I miss not only my family and friends from back home but also home itself. I really appreciated getting to go back home for the beginning of fall as well. I LOVE autumn in Minnesota. But enough about that for now.
The wedding ceremony was as beautiful as it was unique. My sister looked radiant. Most everybody teared up at some point. I saw many people I haven't seen in years, met new people of course, ate pizza at the reception, and drank my fair share of reebs. Heck I even danced a little. It was a pretty busy visit overall. The ceremony was held in a small park that had to be cleaned up before we could use it so myself, my aunt who I hadn't seen probably ten years or more, and my Mom did a bang-up job with that. I didn't get to talk to many people as much as I would have liked but that's the way it goes when you live thousands of miles from where you grew up. Still, Kimberlee and I both had a brilliant time and she managed to survive meeting my entire family despite my failures at introducing her.
In the end it felt like I had just gotten over my jetlag when I was headed back the other way. I caught a cold somewhere along the way back, but the rest of my trip was an unforgettable experience. Congratulations Angie and Monty. I love you both!


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